

珐琅色是彩瓷的品种之一。晚清时期,在康熙皇帝的指导下,康熙成功地将铜胎珐琅技术移植到瓷砖上,创造了一种新的彩瓷品种。雍正、乾隆时期产量最大,乾隆后期产量较少。乾隆时期,宫中收藏的珐琅彩瓷集中在凝结室,档案中有400多条记录。根据清代宫廷档案记载和瓷釉原盒,瓷釉的官方名称应为"瓷釉" .

珐琅彩瓷器是专供帝后玩赏的艺术品,宫廷控制极为严格。制作它所需要的白瓷胎由景德镇御窑厂提供,运送到宫廷后,在皇帝的授意下,于内务府造办处珐琅作由宫廷画家精心彩绘,宫廷写字人题写诗句、署款,最后入炭炉经600℃左右焙烧而成。 珐琅料是一种人工烧炼的特殊彩料,雍正六年(1728年)以前需依赖从欧洲进口,雍正六年以后,清宫造办处已能自炼20余种珐琅料,而且色彩种类比进口彩料更为丰富,遂使珐琅彩瓷器的生产获得突飞猛进的发展。 康熙时期的珐琅彩瓷器多以胭脂红、蛋黄及蓝色作地,还有一类特有的在宜兴紫砂胎上画珐琅彩的器物。典型雍正、乾隆时期的珐琅彩瓷器是诗、书、画、印相结合的艺术珍品,是中国古代彩瓷工艺臻达顶峰时期的产物。那些形状看似普通的珐琅彩盘、碗、瓶等,已摆脱被用作餐具的功能,纯属能给人们视觉带来美的享受的艺术珍品。

Enamel porcelain is a work of art for the emperor, and court control is extremely strict. The white porcelain produced by the Jingdezhen imperial kiln was provided by the imperial kiln factory and transported to the court. Under the emperor"s instruction, the enamel of the house office was painted carefully by the court painter. The palace writers inscribed poems and funds, and finally the charcoal furnace was calcined about 600 degrees C. Enamel is a special kind of artificial cooking. Yong Zheng had to import from Europe in six years (1728). After six years of Yong Zheng, the office of Qing palace was able to make more than 20 kinds of enamel, and the variety of color was more abundant than the imported color material, so the production of enamel porcelain had been developed by leaps and bounds. Kangxi"s enamel porcelain was mostly made of carmine, yolk and blue, and a special kind of artifact painted on purple sand tyres in Yixing. The typical Yong Zheng and Qian Long enamel porcelain is the art treasure of the combination of poetry, book, painting and printing. It is the product of the peak period of Chinese ancient color porcelain. The appearance of enamel plates, bowls, bottles and so on, which have been removed from the functions used as tableware, is purely an artistic treasure that can bring beauty to the people"s vision.


The enamel color is characterized by fine porcelain, heavy color, bright colors, and exquisite painting. The artistic value of enamel color and the amount of life, so the enamel porcelain caused by millions of yuan, not the general collector has financial resources, but this does not affect the enthusiasm of the collector. Many collectors prefer to spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy high imitation products. The "high imitation" is also a collection of modern porcelain enamel and porcelain. It also has a very high collection value.