


Chicken blood stone is a unique precious jade stone in China. It is named after the bright red cinnabar(cinnabar) in the stone. Chicken blood stone is known as the "Queen in the Stone" and is a unique precious stone in China. Because the cinnabar is bright in color and red as chicken blood, it is named chicken blood stone. Chicken blood stone is a precious Gemstone unique to China. It has bright red and bright, crystal clear beauty. It has always been valued by people as well as jewelry jade and is known as the "national treasure" of China. As one of the four major Chinese stones(the four major national stones: Shoushan Stone, Qingtian Stone, Chicken Blood Stone, and Bahrain Stone), it is a precious stone unique to China. Because the cinnabar of it is bright in color and red as chicken blood, it is named as chicken blood stone. In recent years, the chicken blood stone market has become more and more expensive. On the verge of depletion, it has become a category that major collectors are keen to pursue.



类别:杂项 年代:天然

昌化鸡血石是中国特有的珍贵宝石,具有鸡血般的鲜红色彩和美玉般的天生丽质 ,历来与珠宝翡翠同样受人珍视,以"国宝"之誉驰名中外。

Name: Changhua Chicken Blood Stone Two pieces of stone

Specification: Total weight: 1.315 kg

Category: Miscellaneous years: natural

Changhua Chicken Blood Stone is a precious Gemstone unique to China. It has a bright red color like chicken blood and a natural beauty like jade. It has always been valued as jewelry jade and is famous both at home and abroad for its "national treasure" reputation.


The natural beauty of Changhua Chicken Blood Stone stems from its symbiosis of cinnabar and kaolinite, calcite, Yelashi and other minerals. Chensha is the main component of "blood". There are bright red, red, purple, light red, fast, strip, star-shaped Kaolin, etc.. The stone is the main component of the texture. There are white, yellow, red, green, brown and other colors and translucent, slightly transparent, opaque and other states.


Changhua Chicken Blood Stone is produced in Yuyan Mountain, the source of the Grand Canyon in Western Zhejiang Province, 50 kilometers west of Changhua Town, Lin "an City, Zhejiang Province. The mountains are surrounded by mountains and the mountains stretch. The high mountain valleys form unique climatic conditions and also provide conditions for the production of Changhua Chicken Blood Stone.. In the selection of China"s National stone, Changhua"s blood Stone has "four characteristics": uniqueness-according to the investigation of China"s Geological departments and the records of geological documents of various countries, so far no other countries in the world have discovered such minerals; Odd characteristics-shape, color is strange, and special, very rare; Ornamental-beautiful shape, color, texture and texture, hard to play, to benefit from; Culture -- there is a place in traditional culture, the emperor loves, cloth cherishes.

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